This may be my favorite picture from the whole day and I shot it first thing. It may seem a little odd to you that I would consider this picture my favorite but I just love so many things about it. I love that it's an unguarded moment reflected in the mirror. I love that you can see Dad in the background getting into his jacket. And of course, Michelle is so beautiful and the way the light hits her hair and she's got her eyes cut to one side. LOVE THIS PICTURE! By the way, if you ever hear someone mention the term "photo-journalistic wedding photography," this is the kind of picture they're talking about.

The church and the reception were decorated by Tiffany Packer, an independent designer and coordinator. I am always blown away by the job that Tiffany does. Yesterday she went to two ends of the spectrum by decorating an old catholic church for the ceremony as well as a modern ballroom for the reception. It was stunning.
The newly married couple..
After the ceremony, the entire wedding party crowded into a stairwell for the balcony while the the guests went outside to prepare for their exit. I climbed the stairs and managed to get this shot of the new bride. This is also photo-journalistic style wedding photography.
For a wedding photographer, little girls that serve as flower-girls are mana from heaven. Whenever there's a lull in the festivities I just look for the flower-girls. There's always a picture waiting there for me!
That's enough for the blog. Go to the Tampa wedding photography section of my website to see more!