I was smart enough to think ahead and bring a towel with me to the shoot. It's my personal rule in life that it's always good to have a towel, no matter where you are. Little did I realize that my rule would be tested yesterday.
After shooting for about 30 minutes, we took a break and I went over to my towel which I had laid on the railing of a gazebo. I picked it up and started to wipe down my equipment when I suddenly got a sharp pain in my hand.
It was a wasp. I had draped my towel over a wasp's nest and they weren't too happy about it.
Naturally, once I realized that I was being attacked I did what any sensible-minded grown man does in that situation: I began running in circles, flailing my arms like a backup singer for MC Hammer. Let me tell you, nothing impresses the clients more than the site of their photographer screaming like a little girl.
Luckily, I managed to avoid being bitten a second time and continue the session.
I let the wasps keep the towel.